This year we spent the actual Christmas holiday at Grandma Cindy's house over a 5 day period. It was great! Uncle Rex made a surprise trip...he drove straight through 20 hours to get there. Vivi got to meet him for the first time and I got to see him for the first time since I was a baby at Christmas 3 years ago. Yay!
There were also other special visitors this year, Aunt Luann, Jackie, Aunt Jan, Uncle Jason, Grant, and Emma. It was so great to have Jackie and Emma read me bedtime stories and help with Vivi and my bath's each night. Enjoy the pictures...there are quite a few!!

We also got to spend some quality time with Great Grandma Betty. She seemed really good and was so happy to be around family. I really loved seeing her and Grandma Cookie. I just hugged and hugged on them while saying "This is my grandma! Awwww! Hi Grandma", over and over again. It was soooo cute...says mommy. ;) Both Great Grandma's spoiled us very much this year!!

Christmas morning was a lot of fun, but the coffee maker stopped working. Great Uncle Sid saved the day by letting us borrow his. Thanks! It was so much fun to open all of our presents at Grandma Cindy's house with our cousins and family we don't get to spend time with all together very often. Grandma Cindy and everyone else spoiled us too. Vivi and I got pillow pets from Grant and Emma. Vivi got a homemade blanket from Jackie like the one I got for my cool! We also got some new artwork supplies, new clothes, some elbow and knee pads to go with my roller skates, a new swing for our playground set, some new movies, a card game, etc. Thank you everyone!
Later in the day we went to visit Great Grandma Betty at her new place. She was just sitting in her room with the door open waiting for us. We visited for a while and then took her down to the eating area to eat and most of us sat with her. She was so happy to show all of her guests off.
I even shared my new pillow pet...which was definitely my favorite gift!
Emma's birthday is the day after Christmas so we were icing her cupcakes with Grandma to enjoy the next day. They were banana cupcakes!! Yum!
Here is one of the super, duper hugs I gave to Great Grandma Cookie!! Love her!
Happy 13th Birthday, Emma!!! She is now officially a teenager!
Before we hit the road, I got to help Jackie decorate a gingerbread house that I had been begging to do the whole time we were there.
Thank you for having all of us, Grandma, and for all of your hospitality!! We love you!