Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween #1

It was my very FIRST Halloween and it was so much fun! I dressed up as Miss Piggy and my cousin Austin dressed up as Kermit the Frog. We got lots of candy...which our mommies and daddies seemed to consume without a wee bit of guilt! We trick-or-treated in my neighborhood first and then went to Austin's where there were TONS of kids! So Fun!
Here I am without my piggy mask!
Here we are together riding in the was cold!
Here we are together again and here I am with my mask...sort of! ;)
Grammy came over and Daddy had a plan to carve pumpkins. But, I was pretty tired that night from playing so much in the leaves with Daddy. So, I tried but we only got the top cut off.

Ewwwww... That feels yucky Daddy!

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