Friday, July 30, 2010

Another Trip to the Zoo!

This time it isn't just mommy and I going to the zoo. We are taking Austin, Grammy and Aunt Kari with us!! Yay!!
Austin and I are ready to go...ya think mommy will actually let us drive?? NO! It was fun while it lasted though!
Just arrived at the zoo and ready to get out and go in!
We are going to try the wagon and see how this works!
Oh my goodness! We love petting the sharks. It was so much fun. This is always one of my favorite parts of the zoo and Austin really liked it too! We got so excited when they would swim by us!
Look, Aunt Kari!!!! It's a baby shark!!
So fun!
Every animal I saw I called a "cow". I really like saying that word right now! Mommy tried correcting me but I still called everything a cow!!
Look, it's a COW....(aka ZEBRA)
Another COW!!!....(aka GIRAFFE)
This time we got really close to the "cows" (goats) at the petting farm. Grammy and Aunt Kari took us in so we could actually pet them!! Yippee!
"Cows" (Goats) are funny!
I think I already told you but mommy and daddy both had pet goats as kids. Mommy's goat was named "Speedy" because he was born on Indy 500 race day. Daddy's goat was named "Billy"...I guess he couldn't come up with a better name than that. I think that is why our cat is just named "Buddy". Good thing mommy helped him name me or my name might be "Sissy" or something!! haha! Just kidding daddy!
He is talking to me!
We got to ride the carousel at the zoo this time too. Grammy and Aunt Kari took us on this one too! Here we are in line!
Hi Mommy!! Look at me! Getting ready to go!
Here we come around!!
MOMMY!!!!! This is so much fun!
This time at the zoo was full of many firsts. We played at the sprinkler pad for the first time too! There were SOOO many kids though and it was kind of crazy. Austin and I still had a good time though.
I love the water!
Hi Austin!
Here is another COW!!...(aka TIGER)
I was SOOOO tired that I didn't even make it to the car before falling asleep. I was asleep in the wagon riding back to the car.
See, I was exhausted! Grammy and Austin are still awake though.
Grammy kept trying to fix my neck since it looked like it was going to fall off.
Austin wasn't as tired as I was....until the closer to home we got!!!
Here are some videos of our fun day too!

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