Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Circus Circus!

Ok, this one is going to be written in mommy's perspective:
Wow! We were so excited for Audrey's first trip to see the Circus. I got free tickets from one of the TV stations I advertise with and we thought it was such a good idea. Audrey totally sits still and doesn't move when Dora or Diego are on the tube, and we just thought this would be something she would really love. Ha! We learned a lesson. ;)
It started out so great and she was so into the opening act. The Ring Leader comes out and says "Welcome to the greatest show in the universe"...or something like that...and then out come the elephants with ladies sitting on them, men on motorcycles, floats carrying trapeze artists, all kinds of colors, etc. and she was SOOOO excited. She was clapping and we just thought this is awesome! Nick and I smiled at each other and thought...this is going to be so much fun....for all of us! After all, Nick or I hadn't been to the Circus since we went on a field trip in grade school.
Vivi was content in her carseat so I left her in there for the beginning so I could get some pictures and watch a little of the action myself. This was our first adventure out...just the four of us. The show was downtown at Conseco Fieldhouse (where the Pacers play), so the seats were close in any stadium.
Almost as soon as I got Vivi out of the carseat, she was still sleeping mind you, Audrey started to get a little .... shall I say "antsy". There were people sitting right in front of us and she kept wiggling to get out of Daddy's arms and almost kicked the little girls in front of us a number of times. Then, I smelled something and thought she was in need of a diaper change....which it turned out not to have been her I was smelling...must've been the girls in front of us? So, I took her out and we went to the changing table. No poop! Then, we played on the stairway for a while to keep her pre-occupied.

While we were out, I had pumped a bottle before we left so Nick fed Vivi. She is such a great baby by the way! We moved over and gave Audrey the seat in between us and I had packed some snacks. She was much happier in her own seat and was content with the snacks. Soon it was intermission so Nick took her out to get some cotton candy (this was a first and we were willing to try anything to keep her occupied so we could watch the rest of the show). Just as Nick is heading out of the stadium, I notice that Vivi has had a total blowout...all up her back and completely soaked. Of course, Nick couldn't hear me when I was yelling for him to come back and help me. So, I take the changing pad pressed against her back along with the diaper bag and head out again. I had to ask the gentleman behind us to keep an eye on our stuff (carseat, coats, etc.) since I couldn't carry them too.
Of course, since it was intermission the bathroom was completely packed and Vivi had been screaming for about 10 minutes at this point. Poor 6 week old baby. I waited in line for a couple minutes and then butted in front of everyone to use the changing table in the handicap stall. I swear, people probably thought I was ripping off her arms and legs from her screams in the stall. She was NOT HAPPY! Unfortunately I didn't pack a second outfit either...I thought about it earlier in the day...but in the rush of getting us all out of the door in time to get to the circus I forgot. So, I had to strip her to her diaper, used about 10 baby wipes and put her in her little bear suit that she came in used as her coat. It worked just fine but I felt horrible.
As soon as we got back to the stadium and to Nick, I said we have got to get out of here before the show starts again. By this time, Audrey is sitting quietly in her seat chowing on some cotton candy. Poor girl! We packed up and headed home. Enjoy the pics!
Daddy was even excited!
Yay!! "Ewephints, Ewephints!"
Attention span is quickly shrinking
It was quite an adventure and something we will always remember and laugh about.

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