Saturday, April 9, 2011

A beautiful day for a picnic!

We have been blessed with some beautiful weather lately and we are trying to take advantage of it. Today was especially beautiful and since Daddy was home, we all played outside and had a picnic at the park for dinner. What a great day!

Vivi loves going on walks. She gets so relaxed and falls asleep a lot of times.

Daddy and I built castles in the sand. I shouted down a water drain in our neighborhood. I like to hear the echo of my own voice.

Daddy and I climbed the hill down from our house.
Mommy and I climbed the same hill.
We went to our favorite park for a picnic in the evening. It was so much fun but the wind was a little crazy! I had a "butter sang-wich", pretzels, strawberries and blueberries. All are my favorites!
Since we were at the park next to Kari and Mark's house, they came over to hang out with us for a little bit. They weren't hungry though.
Uncle Mark tried to keep the wind from blowing into Vivi's ears.
Daddy put me the swing backwards so I could see everyone.

I love spending the day with my family...especially when it is outside!

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