It is so hard to believe but yes, Miss Audrey Lyn Lieurance is 2 1/2 today! Time flies when you are having fun and that is exactly what she has brought to our lives...tons of fun!! She is such a joyous, independent, outgoing, a bit dramatic at times ;), silly, sweet, little chick. We are so blessed to be her parents and love her so much. She is becoming such a great big sister as she pays more and more attention to her baby sister. It is so nice having them close together as I hope they are great my sisters and I are/always were.
Her check-up with the Nurse Practioner, Theresa, went really well. She weighed 30 pounds (66th percentile) and is 37 inches tall (79th percentile).
She has a HUGE vocabulary and is pretty easy for most people to understand. I try to write things down because I know I won't remember otherwise. This is such a cute age with her little voice.
Here are some of my recent favorites: "bathing soup" is bathing suit, "Teef" is tea you drink, "Sang-witch" is still sandwich, "take a bathtub" is take a bath...
She has great manners most of the time. Here is a conversation we had the other morning. Audrey: "Mommy, watcha makin?", Me: "Toast, do you want some?", Audrey: "No, thank you", Me: "Those are very good manners. I am very proud of you., Audrey: "I am proud of you too, mommy."
She counts to 12, knows her shapes, and she even put on her shoes by herself a couple of days ago...and they were on the right feet! She just got accepted into a Mother's Day Out program at the church down the street from our house. She will start going there in the Fall on Monday mornings from 9AM-1PM. I think it will be great for her!
We have started potty least she is interested now...which was our first goal. We haven't been in a hurry because she just turned 2 1/2 and don't want to drag it out longer than it needs to be. When she is ready, like all other things she has accomplished in her short life, I think she will be AWESOME! She just isn't quite ready to tell me when she has to go yet...we'll keep working on it. ;)
First time peeing on the potty: May 16th

First time pooping on the potty: May 24th

...after her first poop on the potty...she got a special potty treat! A Dora popsicle from Handels!