Sunday, May 15, 2011

7 months old / Peas for Vivi

Vivi turned 7 months old yesterday! So hard to believe. She is still not sleeping through the night, but goes down around 7:30, wakes up between 2 and 3 for a feeding and then usually not up again until 8 or after. Not too bad! Lately, she has been waking up around 11:30 though and we try to let her cry it out.

Other accomplishments include, sitting up by herself very well and rolling all the way around the room. She will be crawling very soon. She loves her door jumper and driving her car around the kitchen. Everything goes to her mouth immediately and she cracks up at her big sis! Still very ticklish, this one...she giggles every time you touch her toes. ;)

Vivi has tried so many foods now and really likes most everything. Today, we tried peas and sure enough...this one was a hit as well.

We can't believe it but we actually found an orange popsicle in the box. Daddy likes to eat all of the popsicles except the grape ones so that is usually what I get. Ha, ha, Daddy!! We snuck one before you got to it. ;)

1 comment:

Amy and Matt Murphy said...

haha...the orange popsicle story makes me laugh. i would leave the grape ones, too! and the blue ones! i can't believe how much vivi looks like nick! i *think* katy told me you guys are coming on saturday to the reception - so excited to see you!