Thursday, January 26, 2012

Vivi's 15 month stats

Vivi's check-up was another success! She has really slowed down and Dr. Champley showed us the curve she has been on since she was born to prove it!

Weight: 23 lbs (51st percentile)

Length: 31 3/4 inches (83rd percentile)

Head: 47.4 cm (86th percentile)

She is REALLY keeping us busy these days with all of her climbing. This is a very fun age with all of her new milestones. Here are a few things she has accomplished recently:

12/31 - says "vroom, vroom" when driving her cozy coupe car or matchbox cars

1/8 - says "moo" for cow and snorts like a pig

1/16 - points to her eyes and mouth

1/17 - stood on a chair at the kitchen table for the first time (YIKES)

1/20 - climbed and fell out of her crib (DOUBLE YIKES)

1/21 - knows belly button

1/25 - says "book, book, book" for book...also knows what a purse is and if you tell her to get it she does....and then she waves "bye-bye" (so cute)

2/7 - her 7th tooth popped through

Vivi loves to dance and when you tell her to spin and put her arms up, she definitely imitates your every move. ADORABLE! She and Audrey are really starting to play together more now...hugging, hitting, kissing, pushing!

She is also starting to throw some tantrums....arching her back and making her body like a limp noodle when she doesn't get what she wants. Argh! Already?!?! ;) I think the second one learns it sooner than the first because they see the older sibling doing it! She gets pretty frustrated when you don't understand what she wants or what she is trying to tell/show you....but when you figure it out she is very excited! LOVE her expressions.

Vivi has always been super laid back and still is for the most part. She is still great to take to the store but I can definitely see changes coming. It's ok! We love her no matter what and are so blessed with two beautiful girls!

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