Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy 60th Grammy

Grammy turned 60 and mommy, Aunt Susan, Aunt Kari and Great Aunt Carol threw her a surprise party. It was at the "chip place" down the street and Grammy didn't see it coming. Lots of people were there (just the adults...Grandma Cindy came to watch Vivi and I). It is not every day that you turn 60 so they wanted it to be special! Enjoy the photos!

Dorinda, Randy, Ray and Kandy

Some of Gary's friends

Jill, Jim and Carol

Jim and Dotty

Gary's son-in-law Matthew and Grammy

Gary's daugthers - Tina and Tricia

Mark's brother John, Mark, Daddy and Matt

Kari and Mark's sisters Jenn and Abby

Trudy, Gary and Grammy

Carol, Jim, Grandma Susie, Wilbur and Grammy

Grammy after the staff sang "happy birthday" and shoved a plate of whipped cream in her face!!

Grammy and her brother and sister

Trudy was a big help in pulling off the surprise

Grammy was so happy to see Grandma Susie show up that she started crying!

some of the guests


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