Saturday, April 14, 2012

18 months old already?!?!

This seems totally crazy...but it is actually true...Vivi is 18 months old! Where does the time go? We thought our lives had changed when we had one baby, but the second one definitely changes it again....for the better!

It is great that Audrey and Vivian are so close least we think so. They are starting to play together more....and argue with each other. Vivi knows when she is not supposed to be doing something, but is certainly testing her limits. She is still climbing...especially on the dining room table so Nick had to "tie" the chairs up when we are not using them. She likes to climb up to my work laptop and pretend she is me working.

She is running and loves to be chased....just like big sis still does. She laughs so much when you tickle her, beautiful little cackles and a HUGE smile! She just started getting her molars in so that has been fun. I know she has two and think there are three but she won't let me check. She loves brushing her teeth like big sis, except when I start to help her.

She is a wondeful sleeper. We went down to one nap a couple months ago and the adjustment was pretty easy for her. She is ready for bed around 7:30 after her story, which she doesn't care to listen much to yet but she is getting more interested. She is starting to point out the pictures you ask her on the page and tries to say more and more everyday.

We took her pacifier away just now, which we thought would be a difficult transition for her since she was extremely attached, but it has been easy so far. Nick cut the top of one of them off and she didn't want that one after that. I just took them all away "cold turkey" like we did with Audrey and I think that is what works best around here. She has cried more at night before falling asleep but it is nothing too dramatic!

Her hair is really starting to grow like crazy and I do pigtails almost every them! They really make her look like a little girl.

She is not quite the laid-back baby she used to be because the tantrums are really starting up. She whips her head back and throws her whole body on the ground if she doesn't get what she wants. She also picks up a lot of habits from her sister, good and bad. ;)

She loves to dance, clap and wiggle her little self when there is music playing. She only fell/climbed out of her crib once (knock on wood) and let's us know when she is ready to get out. Audrey was less than two months older than Vivi is now and moved to her big girl bed. Not sure we will move Vivi up that quickly this time since we don't have to.

We went to the doctor for her check-up and here are her stats:

Weight: 24lbs (43%)
Length: 32.5in (71%)
Head: 48cm (83%)

We actually did some bloodwork this time as well because Vivi has had a strangely low temperature at night....I'm talking very was even 94.4. Yikes!! So, we have been monitoring it all month and decided it was best to have her blood drawn to make sure it is not her thyroid. One of her reflexes was off a bit as well which can be related. Hopefully it is nothing but once we get the results I will post.

We are just sooooo, truly blessed to have a second baby girl come into our lives. She is a pure joy and we love her so much!

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