Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Wiggles come to Indy

The Wiggles is one of our favorite TV shows with silly, singing, dancing, Australian men doing all sorts of fun things. Aunt Luann & Jackie got me their DVD when I was just one and I have been hooked almost ever since. Vivi loves them too and we could watch Dorothy the Dinosaur or Wags the Dog for days.

Mommy found out they were coming to Indy and scored 8 free tickets to the show. We decided to ask our friends from back home to join us, so Ryan, Candice, Kolbie and her cousin Erica came down. We ate pizza at a place on Massachusetts Avenue downtown before heading over to the Murat theater for the concert.
We couldn't take our eyes off of them. They were very entertaining...just like they are on TV!

We posed for pictures after the show and ran some of our energy out before heading home. The Beavans had an hour and half drive ahead of them.

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