Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My first outdoor summer concert

Aunt Susan, Cousin Austin, Aunt Kari, Uncle Mark, My Mommy and I all went to the last Fishers Summer Concert at the park. We watched Dave and Rae perform. They are an old IU favorite according to my mom! It was so much fun!!!
Aunt Susan had her hands full...feeding me a bottle and holding Mr. Walking Austin!
Cousin Austin just finished eating a cheetoh! His new favorite!

Look, he even shared with me. I guess I still have a little on my chin!
Mmmmm...this is good!
I want to eat like Austin!
Don't you like his hair? It was hot outside and his mommy got it to stick straight up!
Look, Uncle Mark took him on a ride on his shoulders.
Aunt Kari and I are having fun too!
This is a good book.

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