Saturday, March 23, 2013

Phone Dump

Ok, I am going to have to start doing some picture "phone dumps" because I have so many funny pictures that are just random. Enjoy the first...
Audrey is great at multi-tasking like her momma! Nursing her baby, while doing her breathing treatment, while watching a show...

Sweet little sleeper

First time in the bumbo seat...not especially excited about it

Audrey carrying her own baby around the morning Gavin was born. She dressed herself because she ALWAYS has to wear a dress or skirt. Wonder how long the "princess" phase will last. :) I am only buying her dresses for the summer because then I know there won't be a struggle every morning when she is getting dressed.

Nick built a new little shed inside our fence so he has more room in the garage. I painted it and will post pictures of the finished product once complete. He built the entire frame in one night in just a couple hours. So lucky to have such a handy, talented husband!! LOVE HIM!

Vivi is such a big girl in the big-girl swing this year! Happy to get some fresh air.

Audrey loves flying kites!

Blythe and I enjoyed the fresh air, as well!

Helping daddy in the shed.

Nick helped Mark cut down his dead Ash tree in the front yard, so we could have the firewood. Mark helped him deliver it to our house. Our neighbor, Brian, watched. ;) JK...he might have helped a little too.

I went back to visit Gavin a couple days after he was born and finally got to hold him. What a sweetie! Austin came home with me that night and stayed with us. We had fun!

I am sure Blythe felt big to Susan after holding her newborn for a couple of days!

Audrey said she wanted to be a teacher so she needed to wear my glasses!

Someone liked the Bumbo seat a little better this time. Happy girl!

Audrey took this picture...

...and this one...

and then gave me the phone back so I could capture this sweetness!

Getting bigger!

Two smilers!!

Blythe (2.5 months) and Gavin (2 days)

I need to start giving Blythe more bottles so I can actually go somewhere...she doesn't really like taking them from the "source". Audrey helps!

"What's not to love"...a cute outfit from my friend, Melanie

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