Friday, May 31, 2013

We will miss you, Grandma Betty

What can we say, we are so sad to lose such a wonderful, fantastic, beautiful, amazing family member. Grandma Betty J. Lieurance endured so much in her long life of 93 years and we couldn't be more proud to be descendants of her. She was very loved and we will be forever grateful she was a part of our lives. It is up to us now, to remember her, honor her and make her proud in the way we live our lives every day. Celebrating her life meant that our closest family members would travel across the country to join us in mourning and toast to such a special lady.

Nick was working so the girls and I picked up Uncle Rex from the Indianapolis International Airport. Now, any time we see a plane in the sky, they say "it's Uncle Rex!". We had such a nice time during our long, overdue visit with Rex. He really made an impression on the girls. There are many things they say, months later, that he taught the "Tickle Bees", where he took an imaginary jar and unscrewed the lid, releasing a gazillion bees that tickle you and make you giggle til you cry! Thanks, Uncle Rex, for your sweetness with our girls and loving them! We wish they (and we) could see you more often. :(

Audrey didn't waste any time snuggling up with Rex after his long flight from Denver and loss of 2 hours. We hadn't seen Rex since Christmas 2011 when Audrey was 3 and Vivi 1. He got to meet Blythe for the first time during this visit as well.

We also got to spend some quality time with Great Grandma Cookie which was very special.

...and of course, Don! He is always a hit with the little ones. He speaks "baby" so well with his counting forward and backward and fun noises he makes with his mouth. ;) They are mesmerized!

It was just nice to spend a few relaxing days at Grandma's house. We even got to help her pick strawberries! YUM!

Daddy had a list of things Grandma really needed some help with, like re-concreting the clothes line poles. Audrey and Vivi were also big helpers here!

The girls always love to help mow the lawn

Fishing is always a big hit at Grandma's

The beautiful "fish-eye" view of Grandma Cindy's property from the pond

Me and my beautiful girls!

Aunt Jan arrives!

After the little kids went to bed the night before the funeral, we had the best time reminiscing about childhood memories. We stayed up VERY late and laughed and laughed.

Love this picture! We have enough kids for everyone to hold one! ;) ha! Audrey, Uncle Rex, Vivi, Aunt Jan, Blythe and Luann.

Is this a hug or is she choking her decide?

Getting a good family picture is impossible!

Dena and Jerry. Paul was on his honeymoon with new bride, Laura. He wished he was there but we knew he was in spirit.

Blythe with cousins Tobie, Sydney and Bella

Audrey and Vivi didn't stay for the burial and went home with Grammy and Aunt Susan. Cute Picture!!

Uncle Rex came back home with us and spent another couple of nights with us before heading back to Indy. We had a great visit!
Rest in Peace, Dear Betty! We love you forever. XOXO

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