Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Vivi is 11 months old!

What better way to celebrate 11 months than a mini photo shoot at home and a trip to the park! I wanted to get a good picture for Vivi's first birthday party invitations and think I got one. The first picture below was the one I used! I don't have any stats to report for 11 months because we haven't been to the doctor since her 9 month well visit. Yahoo!!! That is a sickies, no ear infections ever for this little one (hope it stays that way) and no reason to visit in the last couple of months. Whew! Vivi still just has four teeth and they are so cute as the top two continue to grow out. You can only see them when she gives a really big smile but the are adorable. I actually started brushing them too, with the finger brush and "safe-if-swallowed" toothpaste....the kind I still use for Audrey as well. Vivi loves it! Her hair is really starting to grow and so is she. Since she started crawling, her baby rolls are starting to go away in her legs. I will be so interested to see what her year stats are. That appointment will be on October hopefully no visits before then. Love this little cupcake so much! :)

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