Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I am four years old today!! Can you believe it? I am such a good helper and am really catching on to things now. I love to perform by singing and dancing, play using my wild imagination, share my thoughts, ask questions, ride my tri-cycle, play in the sand box, visit the animals at the zoo (especially the birds) and go to the Children's museum with my friends.

Some milestones in the past year include being fully potty trained...even at night!! Woohoo! Visiting the ER a couple of times for pneumonia. Moving up to my big girl top bunk. Sharing a room with my little sister. Going to the dentist two times. Doing daily nebulizer treatments with no resistance. Moving up to big girl "spit" toothpaste...the kind you can't swallow because it has fluoride in it. Chewing gum...on occasion. Switching to a new church that we love. Starting preschool. Making new friends. Dressing myself. No more naps....just resting time during Vivi's naps. Visiting the pulmonologist twice and being diagnosed with asthma. Finishing my first year of dance lessons and starting my second. Dancing in my first recital on the big stage in front of family and friends.

My four-year old check up went really well. I love Dr. Champley and I told his nurse he was my favorite doctor. I gave him a big hug during my appointment and he said it "made his day". They were out of flu shots so mommy is going to have to take me to a pharmacy to get one. I know I will be brave though when I have to get it. Dr. Champley said I should learn my phone number and how to use 911 next so we will be working on this.

4-year stats
Weight: 35 lbs (51st percentile)
Length: 40" (56th percentile)
BMI: 15.41 (53rd percentile)

I gained 4 pounds since my 3-year check-up and grew 1.5 inches. Dr. Champley said my BMI is wonderful because I am not too thin or too chunky but just right.

My party was a lot of fun. Since mommy was in the hospital the day before, she initially cancelled it temporarily. However, since she got to come home we still had family come. I was going to have some of my friends from school come too but we kept it small since mommy was supposed to be on bed rest. Sorry friends!

Grammy made me a butterfly cake and that was the theme. My pet butterflies hatched from their cocoons the day before my party which was perfect timing. We have four butterflies now and they are so fun to watch. We spray them with water every day and make sure they have enough sugar water to eat. Otherwise, they are really easy pets to take care of at this point.

I was very spoiled and got lots of fun presents including my favorites....a unicorn dream lite from Grandma Cindy and Stompeez slippers from Pappaw. I had been talking about wanting these things for a very long time! Now Vivi and I both have dream lites and we just think they are the greatest!

Thanks to everyone who celebrated with me and for loving me so much! I love you, too!

Enjoy the pictures...

My stompeez!!

We also celebrated Aunt Kari's birthday since hers is a couple days before mine. Happy Birthday Kari!!

Here are my butterflies!

Don't forget that if it is my birthday then it is Wrigley's birthday too. She turned 10 this year!! I love my dog!

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