Monday, November 26, 2012

Modified Bed Rest?!

I just wanted to provide a quick update since I am a couple months behind on posts right now. Please check back for what else has been going on during October and November. Those posts will appear below this one.

At my 21-week ultrasound, the tech found that the baby's umbilical cord is connected to the placenta on the side instead of the center...this is called marginal cord insertion. She said it was really not a concern but that I would have a couple more ultrasounds to make sure the baby is growing at the right pace and that Baby L is getting enough nutrients from the placenta. The cord being on the side could hinder the normal amount of nutrients getting to the baby. Dr. Ertel said that the majority of the time when this occurs, they don't even know about it until after they deliver the baby/placenta and say "oh, the cord was on the side". However, since they did catch this in my ultrasound we would just pay closer attention.

I had a second ultrasound the middle of October that showed the baby in the 52nd percentile for weight and very concerns. On the outside, my belly has been measuring behind and by my 33-week appointment I was measuring 28-29 4-5 weeks behind. Instead of waiting another few weeks for my third ultrasound, we decided to do one the next day.

On Friday, the 16th I went in that morning for the ultrasound. My mom was off work that day so she came to stay with the girls while I went in...thank goodness. I didn't have Nick go because I have had so many appointments and don't expect him to miss work each time. My doctor does not work on Friday's either, so I wish I would've done the ultrasound the previous day after my appointment. The baby looked really good during the ultrasound but was being lazy due to the time of day (more active in the afternoon). The tech did all of her measurements and the baby's weight was in the 43rd percentile which was not the real concern. The concern was that my fluid levels in my uterus were low...a 6 on the scale (not sure what the scale is but will have to get back to you on that).

Since my doctor was not there, she was notified about everything and speaking with another doctor in the practice. They decided to give me a non-stress test to make sure the baby's heart rate was healthy while kicking, etc. I was on the monitor for about 20 minutes and Baby L did great. The doctor who had been in contact with mine had been called into an emergency surgery so the Nurse Practitioner came in instead. She didn't know why I was there and told me everything looked good and said I could go. But, the ultrasound tech saw me leaving and told me to hold on. She asked me to stay and wait in the lobby and that a different doctor wanted to see me.

Ok, getting a little worried at this point.....I mean, really worried. I wait in the lobby for about 10 minutes and get called back into the room I did my non-stress test in. By this point I am ready to cry and am freaking myself out by thinking the worst possible scenario. I texted Nick to let him know I was worried and just waited some more. After about 10 minutes which seemed like forever, the Nurse Practitioner came back in to tell me that the doctor was in with another patient but would be in soon. She also told me that I was probably going to be admitted into the hospital because the fluid level surrounding the baby was very concerning. Ok, so now I am crying and freaking out more.

Another ten minutes or so pass and Dr. Crane finally comes in. She apologizes for the wait and says the same thing the NP said. I was going to walk over to the maternity ward and be admitted for monitoring over the next 24 hours. A specialist would be in to see me and do a more in-depth ultrasound. If this ultrasound showed the same low levels of fluid, I may be having the baby VERY soon. OMG...what?!?!? We don't even have names picked out!

I called Nick right away and through my sobs tell him to come. I also called my mom to let her know what was going on and am so thankful she was home with the girls.

It was around 1pm and I was admitted and in a maternity suite. Nick showed up as soon as I got to my room and then Susan. Next Kari showed nice of them to come. Around 4pm the Specialist came in (who is Tony Dungy's sister btw) to start my ultrasound. They measured everything and Kari thought the heart beating was the baby's mouth!! ha, so cute! Sorry, Kari. ;) The baby was very active during this ultrasound which showed pockets of fluid that didn't show up in my earlier ultrasound. After all things considered, my fluid level showed an 11 on the scale. This was much better and the baby's weight was 4 lbs. 14 oz. so they decided to send me home!! YAY!!!

My doctor ordered modified bed rest, a weekly non-stress test and ultrasound, and to stay close to home. I was just so happy to come home and see my girls and spend the night in my own bed. I have been drinking tons of water and trying to take it easy. Cindy came down and helped SOOOO much with the girls from Saturday through Tuesday morning. THANK YOU, CINDY!!! This allowed me to sit still a little bit more than usual, even though it is almost impossible for me to sit still. ;) She cooked and did laundry and played with the girls.

I had a non-stress test last Monday and the baby looked great again. Lots of kicks and heart rate was good. Then, I had another ultrasound on Wednesday and my fluid level was so much better at a 16 on the scale. The baby was very active again during this ultrasound so that helped to measure everything. My doctor was pleased and told me to keep up on whatever I was doing because the baby is responding well. So, I have been drinking lots of water and trying to relax a little more...which is not easy with a 2 and 4 year old!

At this point, I don't have to do weekly non-stress tests but will keep doing weekly ultrasounds. My next one is this Wednesday afternoon. I will keep you all posted. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!!

Here are some ultrasound pictures of Baby L^3

10/16 ultrasound pic of face
11/21 pic of face

11/21 pic of profile

11/21 pic of foot

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