Saturday, August 1, 2009

My first Oswalt Campout!

Every year there is an Oswalt Campout at Great Aunt Judy's and Great Uncle Jim's. They have all kinds of fun stuff for us to do. This year was my first and it was so much fun. We have a fishing tournament to start things off. Then, we have a cookout. Then, there was a rubber ducky race in the pond this year followed by a dinosaur egg hunt. I was too little to participate but I still got a toy! We didn't get to spend the night and actually camp out this year but hopefully we will next year. I have SOOOOOO many cousins on the Oswalt side and will have so many to play with when I am bigger.
Here is me taking my first "tractor" ride!
This is me with Rod. Rod is from Wabash and he used to go to Minnesota with my Mommy and the rest of the Oswalt gang. They went every summer for years and years.
Here is my cousin Sophia and her Grandpa (my great uncle) Dave. She is a cutie pie! She is three weeks older than me but is so tiny!
Here I am with Great Uncle Tom and Daddy.
Here are the twins, Ava and Gracie. Their mommy used to go to Minnesota with all the Oswalts too. They live in Peoria, Illinois.
Here is my cousin Grace and her dad, David.
Here is Rusty and Molly. They are also from Peoria. Molly is the twins' older sister.
Here is one of the twins and her mommy, Susie as well as my mommy's cousin Julie.
Here is Chandler. He was being shy for the camera.
Doesn't this look like fun!
This is Aunt Kari and I. Don't we look pretty in pink?
Here Mommy and I are in the pool. we are playing with Madisen and Mikayla.
This is me with Matt, another cousin. He was a lot of fun!
Here is Austin with cousin Julie.
Here are cousins Hunter and Archer. Julie and Matt's two boys.
Look, it is me again! This time I am with cousin Angie, Mikayla and great grandma Oswalt. I can't wait until next year!!

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