Monday, March 14, 2011

Our supported sitter is 5 months old!!

We can hardly believe our newest baby girl is 5 months old already. Do you like her Jerry Curl/Mohawk?? Cracks us up!
In the last few days she has really started to gain interest in the things around her. She is so strong and moves her whole body to see what is going on. She hasn't rolled over much since she did it for the first time but is so close to rolling from her back to her front. She does wiggle around a lot. She loves her car and to hold things in her hands....especially your fingers. She is still such a happy, sweet baby. She has only slept through the night once and it was last Wednesday night from 7:30PM to 4:30AM. She usually goes down for the night around 7:30 now and wakes up around 1-2AM for a feeding almost always. Then, up again around 6 but goes back to sleep for a couple hours before she is up for the day. It doesn't take much to get her to smile and laugh. All you have to do is smile at her and she gives you one right back. She seems to be ticklish on her feet and her chest already. She is really doing well with her rice cereal. We will start other baby foods around 6 months so that will also be fun! Her next appointment isn't until the end of April for her 6-month check up. Hope we don't have to go to the pediatrician before then for any illnesses. (Big knocks on wood and proably shouldn't type this...) So far, she hasn't had a single ear infection and has been in great health. Audrey has only had two ear infections ever so we hope Vivi follows suit. (okay, still knocking on wood and hope that doesn't come back to bite me!) We switched her to size 3 diapers already and they are much better. Big sis is in size 4's so there is not much difference in the diaper department. Vivi wears almost all hand-me-down's from Audrey at this point. She is growing so fast and I have even had her in some 9-12 month stuff from Audrey...I know things shrink but she is a big beautiful baby! Mostly she is wearing 6-9 month things though and they are fitting well. She will be sitting on her own soon. But, until then she is our little supported sitter!

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