Thursday, December 6, 2012

36 week update

I had another appointment today and it was yet again a scary one. I started throwing up at 4:30AM and didn't stop until 9AM right before I left for my ultrasound appointment. Thankfully I didn't get sick at the doctors office but I knew I was very dehydrated from getting sick and didn't want to miss my weekly ultrasound or postpone it. Sure enough, my amniotic fluid level was back down to 6.7.

The baby still looked great, weighing in at 6 lbs and the 57th percentile so that was a relief. The fluid level is just very concerning. My belly also grew another cm on the outside but is still 4 weeks behind. I lost one pound from last week but that is probably because I had nothing in my tummy.

I had to wait again and do a non-stress test but this time I asked Nick to leave work and come. He got there during the test and we waited forever. Thankfully, Dr. Ertel was there this time and I had a regular check-up scheduled with her after the ultrasound. She thought the fluid being lower was partly to me throwing up so many times so she sent me home with an anti-nausea prescription as well as relaxing and drinking as much as possible. If I wasn't able to keep fluids down I would have to come back and have an IV with fluids.

Thankfully, I was able to keep fluids down and didn't get sick anymore. I must've had a bug or eaten something bad? The girls were with Grandma Cindy for a few days which was already planned so that was a blessing.

I now have to start my weekly non-stress test again along with my weekly ultrasound and check-ups. Less than 4 weeks til due date now...I just pray to keep this baby inside until then. Thank you all for your continued prayers and thoughts.
Profile of baby at 36 weeks

Face at 36 weeks with eyelid closed

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