Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kreig, Mikayla and Madisen surprise us for a visit!

Wow! What a great surprise! Cousin Kreig had meetings in Fishers so he gave us a call and asked if he and the girls could stop by! Yes, of course!!! I was so excited to see my cousins ("friends"). The girls even came back the next day to play while Kreig was in meetings at the hotel. It was AWESOME! I thought I was in heaven. You know how much I love my cousin Jackie and kids her age...well, Kay and Madi are close to her age and they have so many fun games to play. Their mommy babysits every day so they are used to entertaining kids my age. Boy...was this a real treat for me and my baby sis!! Mommy and Daddy had a great time catching up with cousin Kreig too.

Of course I had to show off and get a bunch of random stuff out to play with while they were here. I had to take advantage of this play time!
Here I am biting the little circles out of my night-light globe. I like to pop them out with my teeth and then put them back in. Strange! ;)

What a great looking group!

Kay is so pretty!!

...and SO IS MADI!!

I made them "sing" with me and play different instruments! We sure do know how to put on a great show.

See...I told you they had great games to play. They put me in a blanket and swung me up onto the couch. It was SO COOL!

I giggled all day!

It was a nice day so we decided to pick up some lunch and eat a picnic at the park. Then, they took me down the slides that I am usually too scared of to go down by myself. It wasn't scary with them though.

Vivi enjoyed watching from her stroller.

They also did awesome under-dogs on the swings. I don't think I have ever swung so high! Weeeeee!!

We had such a great time!

After the park, we stopped at Handels so they could taste some of our favorite ice cream! Thanks for coming girls. Hope to see you again soon!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Thanks for having them Amie! The girls said they had a lot of fun with Audrey and Vivi ; )