Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Special Visits During the Week

Mommy and I made a quick trip back to Wells county during the week to say hi to a few special people/ places. Unfortunately, our camera battery was dead for the first part of the trip so Mommy didn't get to take pictures of everyone we saw.
First, we went to Bummies in Bluffton for some spanish dogs! Then, we stopped at Grandma Cindy's to say hi to Grandma and Mike (and to pick up the camera charger we left there when Jan was home in March). We helped them put the paddleboat in the pond for the season and Grandma even picked a pretty tulip for me. I demolished it pretty quickly though. :( Her flowers were jut gorgeous. She also showed us the asparagus growing in her garden and I had some strawberries for a snack.

Next, we drove to Warren to see Great Grandma Betty in the nursing home's healthcare wing. She had a bad pinched nerve in her back a few weeks ago and couldn't do anything on her own. She is now in the assisted living section and will get to go home next week! She looked good and was happy to see us. Her 89th birthday is this Friday!!
Our next stop was Grandpa Dan's house. We had planned to eat at Mommy's favorite mexican joint for dinner (Bandido's), but our plans changed when Grandpa's Dog, Mickey went missing. Thank goodness he showed up a couple days later at a good samaritan's house. He is back home safe and sound!
Wednesday morning, we went over to Great Grandma Oswalt's house for lunch. She made us corn from the garden, mashed potatoes, green beans, noodles, fried chicken and cupcakes for dessert. It was great to see her. Mommy was able to charge the camera overnight at Grandpa's house so here are some pictures of us at Grandma O's.
I really liked my cupcake!
Great Grandma Oswalt

Next time, we hope to see Great Grandma Cookie and Don as well as Great Grandma Susie and Wilbur! Sorry we missed you all this time around! We love you!

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