Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Zoo Day

We spent the beautiful day at the zoo today and it was SOOOOO much fun! We couldn't have asked for a better day weather-wise to see the animals and exhibits. The car thermometer said it was 86 on our way home. EIGHTY SIX at the beginning of April!!! Yippee!!
Jackie spent a couple days with us during her Spring Break, so it was Mommy, Jackie and I at the zoo.
Penguins are COOL!
LOOK AT THAT POLAR BEAR! He was playing with the big barrell like it was his chew toy.
We even saw farm animals! This white goat reminded mommy of her goat she had growing up. His name was Speedy because he was born on the Indy 500 Race Day that year. Daddy had a goat when he was growing up too...his name was Billy....very creative Dad!! ;)
The Rhinos are SOOOO big!
I was excited a lot!
Jackie took a ride on a roller coaster and we got to watch her since we couldn't go too.
So, when she finished her ride she pretended to ride again with me in the sitting car.
Then, we played on the playground. I love playgrounds even if there are much bigger kids running around and who are not worrying about knocking me down.
Jackie took me down the enclosed tube slide....AND I LOVED IT!!!
Here I am in the dolphin exhibit. I am looking in at the tank. Do you see a dolphin? We watched a dolphin show too and it was really cool to see how smart they are.
I even had fun playing in the coat racks. Thankfully, it was so beautiful outside that there are no coats!
If this doesn't show you how much fun I had, then I don't know what will!
I was E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Amy and Matt Murphy said...

oh man...i had to laugh when i read about speedy. i remember speedy...and how "excited" speedy got to see people. seems like so long ago!