Monday, April 11, 2011

My Very First Swim Lessons

We started a Parent/Tot swim class at a local swim center and I LOVE IT!!!! I had a huge smile on my face the whole half hour class and can't wait to go back every week. We sing songs like "The Wheels on the Bus", "Ring Around the Rosie", "Yankee Doodle", "Humpty Dumpty", and so many more. While we sing our parents hold us out in the water and do things with us to go along with the words of the song. SO FUN! There are circuits so we go around the pool and do different things like jump into the water from the side, learn how to climb out of the pool, swim under water to our parents (with the help of the instructor of course), blow bubbles, save rubber duckies, gather eggs from the middle of the pool and put them into a crate. It is non-stop for a half hour which works best for my easily distracted self! The class starts with 4 month olds through 3 year, Vivi could take too but for now it is just me!


I am definitely a fish!

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