Saturday, August 28, 2010

Yay for ME!!!! I'm a big girl!

I slept in my big girl bed all by myself and made it through the whole night!! I am such a big girl!! Daddy laid in bed with me until I fell asleep so I played with him for about an hour in there. He had his eyes closed and I would just stare at him and get right in his face and laugh if he opened them. I loved it! I have always been good about falling asleep on my own but this was a real treat and I thought I would take advantage of it.
Once I finally fell asleep, Daddy slipped out of my room and I flipped around all night all over the bed but didn't wake up until morning. Woohoo! I have been sleeping in my big girl bed ever since...for naps and night time. Mommy and Daddy are SOOOOOO proud of me!
Can you see me in the video monitor? I am in there!
Mommy took a picture of me when I woke up the next morning. The flash of the camera was a litte bright but I didn't care. I was happy as can be when I woke up!

I love being a big girl but mommy thinks it is a litte bittersweet. :(

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